LUCA Guest Blog by Jen Done: From Cycling Newbie to Iron Man Champion


Thank you to Jen for writing a LUCA guest blog on her incredibly inspiring cycling journey. We really enjoyed learning more about Jen, truly admire her courage and determination, and love her tips on becoming more confident on the bike. Let us know if Jen’s story has inspired and helped you, too!

I was standing in the bike shop, looking at all the amazing bikes thinking I have no idea where to start! The guy in the shop was being so kind, spending lots of time talking my husband and I through all the bike specifications – gear sets, types of breaks and the terrifying clipless pedals. I felt massively out of my depth. I didn’t even know how to pump up my tyres - I wondered how I could politely make my excuses and run out the shop door. Why did I come up with this crazy idea of doing an Ironman in the first place?!


It was then I focused on why I was there. I was really struggling with postnatal depression and had found that fitness was really helping me. Having some time out to clear my head and get some fresh air was the best therapy and I’d set myself the challenge of doing an Ironman 70.3 to give me something to work towards. I’d swam and ran a bit before, but road bikes were something completely new to me. I had no idea! I think the guy in the shop quickly realised that I was looking a little confused and asked me if I was new to this…… “completely” I said. Thankfully he replied with “We were all new at one time – I’ll talk you through it”.

He switched to speaking the options through in a way I understood (less technical jargon) and didn’t laugh when I asked what colours the bike came in - obviously this was a very important part for me!! It wasn’t long before I was heading to pay for my new Liv bike having a bit more understanding of what everything did. Initially I had refused the clipless pedals, but he said, “If you’re going to start, start properly – they will help you so much” and I’m so glad he didn’t let me leave without them.


The first time I went out on my bike, I tried to find somewhere quiet – somewhere where there were fewer cars/people/dogs to bump into but also, so I didn’t worry about people watching. I’m so glad I did as I set off well to start with but panicked and promptly fell off – not being able to unclip from the pedals quick enough. Again, the feeling of why am I doing this crept in – it would have been easy to give up there and then but I picked myself up and held onto a fence post, practising how to clip on and off over and over again.

Fast forward 2 years and I’ve now completed 2 Ironman’s and 2 Ironman World Championships. The feeling I get being able to see so many new parts of the world, flying down roads on my bike is something else and plays a huge part in supporting my mental health. Yes I still get a bit scared on the bike but the huge amount of fun massively outweighs this. I would recommend it to anyone.

*Jen is wearing (and looks amazing in!) our new AW T-shirt in Chilli

    • Don’t be afraid to speak to people in bike shops – I thought that they would think I was really stupid not knowing all the parts of the bike, how things worked etc. but everyone I have spoken to has been so helpful. Talk to them about what you want to use your bike for (e.g. rides with friends, events, racing) and ask if they can suggest some, so you have a starting point.
    • YouTube has become my new best friend – from learning how to pump up a tyre, fix a puncture, adjust pedals etc. there are so many really, user friendly videos online.

    • Don’t let the pedals put you off – the man in the shop was right – they do massively help make pedalling easier so spend some time sitting on your bike, holding onto something and simply practise clipping and unclipping. I also found that different types of pedals are easier to use so it’s worth reading reviews about how people find them. A great tip I was told is that it’s easier to unclip your less strong leg when you’re needing to stop (e.g. at roundabouts/traffic lights). This way your strongest leg remains clipped in so you can push off more easily.

    • If possible, join local bike groups (LUCA's social rides are brilliant). It’s a great way to build confidence, learn from others in a non-judgmental way and to have loads of fun along the way.
    • Don’t be afraid to ask others – I asked people on social media lots of questions when I started out and everyone was so helpful so don’t be afraid to give people a message. My Instagram is @iron_woman_triathlon and I’m now training to become an Ironman coach to try and support others in the way so many people helped me, so feel free to send me a message!

Thank you so much, Jen! You can find and follow Jen on Instagram @iron_woman_triathlon

Jen’s amazing photos were taken by the talented Stephanie Atkins Photography.

We would love to hear your stories about how you got into cycling, and any tips you would like to share with our lovely LUCA community!

If you are interested in writing a Guest Blog for LUCA, do let us know. Say hello on Instagram, or send us an email:

