Letter from Luca: Choosing Kindness in a Digital World.
Hey, lovely LUCA Community!
Let’s be real—putting ourselves out there online can feel like walking on thin ice. It’s exhilarating but scary as hell. Every time I share a part of myself, a personal story, or a piece of LUCA’s journey, I wonder: will people understand the heart behind it? Will they relate? Will they be kind?
For anyone who’s built something meaningful to them, you know the vulnerability it takes. You pour your time, soul, and energy into something that matters, hoping it will mean something to others, too. But once you put it out there, you’re no longer fully in control. That’s why kindness, especially online, matters so deeply.

LUCA was created with the mission to empower—to lift each other up and make space for everyone to show up as they are, no filters, no pretences. And I hope that message extends beyond just our brand. Imagine if, instead of passing judgment or scrolling by, we chose to see what’s shared with curiosity, empathy, and an open heart. Imagine if we chose kindness first.
A Call for Compassion 🫶🏻
I’d love to challenge all of us, myself included, to pause before reacting the next time we see someone sharing their story or taking a risk online. Look for the person behind the words. When we engage with kindness, we contribute to a world—both digital and real—where we feel safer to be ourselves, flaws and all.
Here’s my promise to you: I’ll keep showing up, even when it’s uncomfortable or scary, because sharing this journey matters. And if even one person feels a little more seen or a little less alone, it’s all worth it.